
Exams at Phillomena Dance School are not compulsory, however, all students are given the opportunity to take dance exams with the International Dance Teachers’ Association (IDTA) in Ballet, Tap, Theatre Craft & Street – at the end of every term. All exams are assessed by a highly qualified IDTA examiner.

Following a structured syllabus with clear progressions, allows students to develop their dance technique through a safe, systematic, tried & tested programme. Exams help our students encourages a good work ethic, commitment and builds confidence. The best accolade is the sense of achievement with rewards such as certificates, medals and trophies.

IDTA exams are also linked to personal learning records via a student’s Unique Learner Number (ULN). Once we have been provided with their ULN, students are able to achieve UCAS tariff points for certain exams they achieve.

Examination Information


The timetable is created at least four weeks before the exam date. Students are entered in groups of 2 – 8 candidates, depending on the grade & genre of dance exam.

Exam Preparation


Please ensure you are aware of what uniform is required for your child/children’s exams. For all Ballet, Tap & Theatre Craft exams our set class uniforms are required. Please ask if you are unsure or do please check our website. Failure to have the correct items of uniform will result in your child/children being withdrawn from their exams if we do not have the missing items in stock for you to purchase on the day.

All uniform, including shoes, should be clean, presentable & of the correct size please.

Hair styles can vary from grade to grade & genre of dance. We will notify you of the required hair style & request that if possible, hair is already pre-done when your child arrives at the venue for their exam. Headbands are not permitted in any exams – we supply ribbons for all theatre exams (Ballet, Tap & Theatre Craft).

Tattoos/Nail Varnish/Piercing
Semi-permanent tattoos & nail varnish are not permitted in exams – permanent tattoos should be covered if possible.

All jewellery / piercings should be removed before the exam & preferably left at home to ensure their safe keeping.

On Exam Day

Please arrive at least 30 minutes before your scheduled exam time & have all the correct uniform, shoes & hair requirements.

It is not always possible for the parents to stay & wait in the changing room (depending on the venue) during their child’s exam/s. Please be prepared to just drop your child with us & collect later.


All results follow 4-6 weeks after the exam date. Once they have arrived & been sorted, we are ready to hand them out. We usually notify the parents at the beginning of class to pop back five minutes early to watch the presentation.